Monday, March 30, 2009

The week begins.

This weekend was so nice and relaxing. Since I had the weekend off at RockHarbor, I tried to remember what it was like to take a nap.... It was so great! I need to do it more often. I guess while I was sleeping, Grey decided to join me.

Last night we went over to the Norwood's to celebrate Makenzie's birthday. It was a blast and it was fun seeing everyone.

Cyndie made us all waffles for dinner.... they were awesome. Here is a shot of Travis making a waffle burrito... it looked sick... as you can see.... Here is Jessica going for the assist with the maple syrup...nice... I think the combo was, strawberries, bananas and chocolate

1 comment:

Brandon said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA. I LOVE the new banner (for reasons that many may not understand...)