At dinner, Trever's birthday request was that everyone eat their cake without their hands. Everyone willingly complied...I was shocked. I could barely eat mine because I was laughing so hard. This is Sarah going for a big bite
Summer's 30th
Bruce's birthday as well, but we haven't celebrated that yet.
It's a little ridiculous. None of these are normal. I look normal every time because he convinces me before each photo that he is going to be serious this time...
Trever, Josh, & Jon
We had dinner in LA and then a show at the Trubadour. It was a random band, but they ended up being really good. It was a really fun night!
Today's was Kathy's birthday...yet to be celebrated.
Happy birthday to all these wonderful people. I love you all very much
ha... I love the way Trever smiles in his pictures. Totally great.
Really pretty girls. You are lucky.
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